Body Lift

Face and body images other than staff and patients of Dr. Rodriguez are stock models.
Las imágenes de la cara y el cuerpo que no sean del personal y los pacientes de la Dra, Rodríguez son modelos estándar

Extra skin at the abdomen is very common, especially after weight loss or pregnancy. Some patients also have extra skin all the way around to the back. This can look like extra loose skin or folds of skin along the lower flanks, hips, and buttocks.

In that situation, a tummy tuck alone will not be sufficient to address the extra skin. Instead, Dr. Rodriguez may recommend a body lift which combines a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) that is extended past the hips and along the upper buttocks. This helps to smooth out the abdomen as well as the hips and flanks. It also helps to reduce any loose, hanging skin at the buttocks which is common after weight loss.

Patients are often surprised by the suggestion of a body lift. Many patients come to Dr. Rodriguez wanting and expecting a tummy tuck alone.

If a tummy tuck alone will not provide a result that you will be satisfied with, then Dr. Rodriguez will be honest and straightforward with you about this and may suggest a body lift. Dr. Rodriguez’s goal is to give you genuine advice so that you can make a well-informed decision about surgery.

Most patients are worried about the extra scar along the back. In comparison with a tummy tuck, a body lift results in a scar that wraps around circumferentially. The additional benefits that a body lift can provide are oftentimes well worth the additional scar above the buttocks.

How is a Body Liftperformed?

A body lift is done under general anesthesia. The traditional tummy tuck incision is made low down so that it is easier to hide beneath underwear. This incision is extended low on the hip, curving along the upper part of the buttocks on each side. All the extra skin is removed and the skin is meticulously stitched closed in several layers.

As a part of a body lift, Dr. Rodriguez performs all her standard components to a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to provide the best outcome possible. Rectus diastasis, if present, is repaired and long-acting local anesthetic (EXPAREL®) is injected during surgery to minimize pain after surgery.

The buttocks tend to lose projection with weight loss. For this reason, Dr. Rodriguez often recommends combining a body lift with fat grafting to the buttocks (also known as a Brazilian butt lift). This helps to tighten the skin at the buttocks and, at the same time, restore volume and projection to the buttocks.

am I a goodcandidate?

If you are a woman or man in the Houston area, you may be a candidate for a body lift with Dr. Rodriguez. Great candidates for this surgery should:

  • RBe at a stable weight for at least 6 months
  • RBe at their goal weight
  • RHave good control of all medical issues
  • RMaintain good nutrition
  • RHave realistic expectations for what these surgeries can achieve
  • RNot smoke or use any nicotine

body liftrecovery

Depending on how long your surgery will take, Dr. Rodriguez may recommend that you stay overnight in our facility on the night of your surgery. You may return home the next day but will need a caregiver to be with you.

Dr. Rodriguez recommends that you wear compression garments for about 6 weeks after surgery. This helps to reduce the swelling and provide gentle support as you are healing.

A special surgical tape is placed along the incision during surgery. This tape stays in place for about 3 weeks and does not need to be changed, making it easy for you and your caregiver after surgery.

To avoid pulling on the stitches, you will walk in a slightly stooped posture, bent forward at the waist for the first 3-5 days after surgery. After that, you should gradually work on walking with a more normal, upright posture. By about a week after surgery, you should be walking fully upright.

Most patients return to work about 2 weeks after a body lift surgery. You can gradually return to exercising about 6 weeks after surgery, but you should avoid sit-ups and crunches for 3 months after surgery.

body liftresults

Swelling of the area after surgery is to be expected. This means that some of the more subtle contouring of the abdomen and flanks may not be visible for a few months after surgery. Some swelling may come and go for up to 6 months after surgery.

Dr. Rodriguez takes great care to minimize the amount of tension that is placed on the body lift incision. This allows it to heal with a thinner scar. The incision at the abdomen and upper buttocks is placed in a low position so that it can be more easily hidden by underwear and swimsuits.

Starting about 3 weeks after surgery, silicone scar therapy is started to help soften the scar. It is important to protect the scar from any sun exposure, as this can cause the scar to darken significantly.

As always, maintaining a stable, healthy weight is crucial to ensuring your body lift result is long-lasting!

contact Ustoday

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in learning more about a Body Lift. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing excellent cosmetic services to Houston and the surrounding area. We’re here to help you achieve a look that will help you feel more comfortable in your body.


young woman in white underwear and bras toned body

Tummy Tuck

beautiful young woman in nude underwear and bra sitting on the floor

Fat Grafting

young womans in white underwear and bras torso
